An External ID (also called XML ID) is a string identifier that uniquely identifies a particular record in Odoo. They become important when you plan t...
Some times we need to 'override' the action window of an Odoo object. Action window is not overridable but we must replace it entirely to modify it....
If you are using Linux, the easiest way to remove the port number 8069 is using iptables which will redirect all traffic at port 80 (and 433 too) to...
**Main Menu** Let's say you want to use your module icon as your main menu icon. Make sure this file exists at: module_name/static/description/icon....
User data (res.users) is inherited from Partner (res.partner). We cannot directly import Users data from Users list view as any other objects. Inste...
Here are steps on how to compose Odoo domain with complex/ nested conditions: **Step 1** Start with the outermost operator and move it to the start ...
Let's assume that we are working on a SCRUM environment and have a One2many field on the *Project* object to *Release* object. class project(models....
In Odoo mass mailing module template, to render the contact name or other dynamic placeholder for fields, you need to use the mako expressions '${expr...
** ** Kadang kala Odoo Service mati tiba-tiba, bisa karena resource hardware server kurang besar, bisa karena postgress over connection, atau addons ...
Waktu nambah field di res.partner sering terjadi error waktu mau upgrade addons Ini terjadi karena definisi field yang kita tambahi belum ter-update...
Misalnya kita punya dua data tanggal seperti ini date_start = "2017-02-02" date_end = "2017-02-10" Bagaimana secara python membuat array list yang ter...
Push notif message by default ada di Odoo versi Enterprise... gimana kalau community pingin punya push juga.. ? Gunakan infrasruktur Google Firebase...
**1. Install Docker ** Step pertama.. install dulu docker untuk OS anda masing-masing.. klik disini untuk download [1] installer Docker. Setelah ber...
*Export* Cara export data hasil query dari suatu database ke file CSV: copy (select * from nama_tabel where kondisi_id=14) to '/tmp/nama_tabel.txt' ...
Pernah nemu parameter web.base.url berubah reset sendiri ke nilai awal, apa itu IP address server atau domain server tanpa port... ? Ternyata di cod...
Kalau Odoo dijalankan dengan mode multi proses (ie workers lebih dari 0) maka aplikasi IM Live chat tidak bisa langsung jalan. Kalau pun jalan, mess...