Mau jadi developer Odoo? Jangan lewatkan course Udemy ini. Karena disini dibahas semua topik tentang cara tercepat modifikasi addon Odoo dengan contoh...
An External ID (also called XML ID) is a string identifier that uniquely identifies a particular record in Odoo. They become important when you plan t...
User data (res.users) is inherited from Partner (res.partner). We cannot directly import Users data from Users list view as any other objects. Inste...
Here are steps on how to compose Odoo domain with complex/ nested conditions: **Step 1** Start with the outermost operator and move it to the start ...
Kalau Odoo dijalankan dengan mode multi proses (ie workers lebih dari 0) maka aplikasi IM Live chat tidak bisa langsung jalan. Kalau pun jalan, mess...